Thursday, November 15, 2012

Benco Dental Company Photo Day

Admittedly, this wasn't a very recent project. This was shot some time mid-summer, but I just ran across it today at work and wanted to share.

Sally Cohen, wife of the chairman of Benco, decided she wanted to capture a photo of every associate that worked at the CenterPoint headquarters in a giant group shot. You'd think that even with a headcount of 400ish people, it still wouldn't be too tough to organize a 30 minute set up and shoot. However, more than half of the associates work in a call center, which can't be shut down during the day or have a majority of the people off the phones at once.

So, my concept went from one shot of a huge group to multiple group shots and the magic of Photoshop. The only room in the entire building to shoot was a section of the warehouse. It took around 8 hours to tape off the entire floor.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a full taped shot. This is after we tried (and failed) to pull all the tape off.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Shoot: U Penn Dental School - Keep a Breast

Since Hurricane Sandy slammed the east coast, a lot of the projects I had were rightfully postponed. One being a shoot at the University of Pennsylvania Dental School for Benco's fuchsia gloves and masks supporting the Keep A Breast foundation.

This morning I quickly got to work to grab the Canon 7D and 580 flash (forgot them last night) and hit the road for Philly. Thankfully, the appointment was at 11am, so no need to get up ultra early.

The ride was quick and easy. Of course, since GPS' worry more about quickest route rather than taking you through the WORST possible neighborhoods, I relied on my old route through town to get me there. In my limited experience of the area, Girard Ave. is only for people who want to go to the zoo or get car jacked. 

Eventually, I arrived to the school. The best part was, this was right down the road to my good friend Matt's old apartment! I spent a good month and change on his floor, so I knew this area pretty well.