Monday, January 6, 2014

My First Bike: The Lucy Hobbs Project Motorcycle

I'm embarrassed to say that it's been a little over a year since my last post. I guess a mix of busy, lack of content and (of course) laziness have all been factors. But with a new year comes a fresh start! I spent tonight designing a new look for my blog and working on some ideas for future content.

For my first post of 2014, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about my favorite project of 2013.

The Lucy Hobbs Project (a Benco-created network for women in dentistry) worked with Paul Jr. Design to create a bike that they could raffle off to benefit the Smiles for Success Foundation. I had the unique pleasure to meet Paul Jr. and visit his workshop. Even though I'm not a bike guy, the place was pretty incredible and Paul Jr. couldn't have been more welcoming. 

The final product was delivered to our CenterPoint HQ and eventually to our studio. I never shot a motorcycle before, let alone a 10' chopper, so I was both excited and nervous. It wasn't the lighting that I was concerned about, but a fun thing called specular density or specular reflection. Basically, the light and image captured off of a reflective surface. Whatever light I was pushing at this bike was going to make or break the shot. It was so damn shiny!

After some research, I found that the best way to throw light onto a bike, car...etc. seemed to be with a large, flat rectangle box(es). This would give a smooth line of light back to the camera. I went online to find a soft box that we could purchase that would work for this, but ended up with some gaff tape, cardboard and about $13 worth of tin foil instead. Why buy when you can make?

HUGE thanks to my then co-worker Craig on this. Couldn't have done it without him. Man knows how to work cardboard.

Craig working at the first base. Something around 4'x2'.